Clean, wash and remove the water from the Nellikka (Gooseberries) by using a clean cloth.
Then cut/scratch four sides of the Nellikka (Gooseberries) slightly (as shown in the photo).
Take 2 - 3 cups of water in a cooking vessel. Add required quantity of salt and sliced/cut Green Chilli pieces and some vinegar into this water and boil it well and then put off the stove.
Add the Nellikka (Gooseberries) into this water.
Cover the cooking vessel with a lid/plate and keep it aside for some time.
After some time, remove the lid/plate and if necessary add some more salt and vinegar. Stir the mix well and allow to cool it well.
Nellikka Uppilittathu is ready. After 2 - 3 days, you can savor the Nellikka pickle one by one, morning and evening.
If this Nellikka is stored in an air tight glass jar/bottle, it can be preserved for a long time.