Pink Perch | Thread Finned Bream | Red Snapper | Kilimeen 


Pink Perch | Thread Finned Bream | Red Snapper | Kilimeen: A Coastal Treasure

Pink Perch, also known as Kilimeen in Kerala, is a popular fish in South Indian coastal cuisine. Known for its vibrant pinkish-red hue, this fish is versatile and flavorful, making it a staple in many seafood dishes. Let’s explore what makes Kilimeen unique.

Overview of Pink Perch | Kilimeen

The fish is a small to medium-sized fish found in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean. Its flesh is firm and slightly sweet, making it an excellent choice for frying, curries, or grilling. In Kerala, the fish is often prepared with a blend of spices and fried to a crispy golden brown. The skin, with its distinctive pink color, turns a beautiful reddish hue when cooked, enhancing its visual appeal.

Culinary Uses

The mild flavor of the fish makes it suitable for a variety of dishes. It is commonly used in traditional Kerala fish curries, where the fish is simmered in a tangy coconut-based gravy. It also makes for an excellent fried fish, where the crispy exterior contrasts with the tender, flavorful flesh inside. For those seeking healthier options, grilled Pink Perch is a great alternative, retaining its delicate taste while offering a low-fat meal.

Nutritional Benefits of Pink Perch

Pink Perch is packed with essential nutrients, including protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins such as B12 and D. Low in fat and high in protein, it supports muscle growth, boosts immunity, and promotes heart health. The fish is also rich in minerals like calcium and phosphorus, essential for maintaining strong bones.


With its delicate flavor and numerous health benefits, Kilimeen, is a favorite in coastal kitchens. Whether fried, grilled, or curried, this versatile fish promises a delightful culinary experience.


English: Pink Perch | Thread Finned Bream | Red Snapper

Malayalam: Kilimeen

Tamil: Navara, Rani Meenu, Sennagarai, Thullu Kendai, Kandal Meen

Telugu: Chalaneera Kanti

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