Vazhuthananga Curry is one of the easiest of dishes prepared from brinjals and potatoes, in Indian Cuisine. This is one of the tastiest of vegetarian dishes that goes well with roti, chappathi and even rice. Brinjals and potatoes make a deadly combination and the spicy gravy confirms the taste. Brinjals have a meaty texture and it blends well with the gravy. Potatoes absorb well the flavor of the dish. Vazhuthananga Curry will satiate the taste buds and will definitely make you yearn for more. What makes the dish unique and special, is the mashing up of the cooked veggies and the final seasoning. Brinjal Curry can be easily prepared at home with limited ingredients. Both brinjals and potatoes are nutritious, rich in vital nutrients required for body. You can explore a well detailed Brinjal Curry here.