Chena Curry is very famous in south india. this is very good side dish for lunch platter or thali in south india. this is also called as chenai kizhangu in tamil, chena in malayalam and elephant foot yam in english. It contains plenty of carbohydrates and proteins making it a good staple food. Its other chemical constituents. the nutrient value of this chenai is protein , carbohydrates and more water content in this yam. Elephant foot yam is known to have a great effect in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. It is extensively used as a slimming food. Omega-3-fatty acids present in it helps in increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the body. This yam can be helpful in reducing the risks of heart attacks. The powerful antioxidants present in elephant foot yam is said to be effective in slowing down the aging process. This healthy yam recip[e of chena curry we can see in details.