Cherupayar Parippu Payasam | Moong Dal Payasam With Video

RugminiKamalan R

Cherupayar Parippu Payasam | Moong Dal Payasam: A Classic Kerala Dessert


Cherupayar Parippu Payasam, also known as Moong Dal Payasam, is a traditional dessert hailing from Kerala, particularly popular during festive occasions like Onam and Vishu. This creamy, sweet dish is prepared with roasted moong dal (green gram), coconut milk, jaggery, and flavored with cardamom. A symbol of indulgence, this payasam holds a special place in the hearts of Keralites, often served as part of the grand feast known as Sadya.

Cultural Significance of Moong Dal Payasam

In Kerala, payasams are integral to celebrations. Cherupayar Parippu Payasam is often served at weddings, festivals, and religious events, embodying the richness of Kerala’s culinary heritage. The ingredients like coconut and jaggery are central to Kerala cuisine, reflecting the state’s agricultural bounty. This dish not only satisfies the sweet tooth but also brings a sense of nostalgia, connecting generations with its timeless flavor.

Health Benefits of Cherupayar Parippu Payasam

While payasam is traditionally considered indulgent, Moong Dal Payasam offers several health benefits. Moong dal is rich in protein, fiber, and essential vitamins, making it a healthier option compared to other types of desserts. The use of jaggery as a sweetener adds a distinct flavor and is a healthier alternative to refined sugar. Additionally, coconut milk is a great source of healthy fats and contributes to the creamy texture of the payasam.

Ideal Occasions for Serving Moong Dal Payasam

Cherupayar Parippu Payasam is ideal for Onam Sadya or any festive celebration. Its simplicity and delectable taste make it a crowd favorite, perfect to conclude a grand meal. Whether you’re hosting a traditional feast or simply want to enjoy a comforting dessert, Moong Dal Payasam is a must-try!


cherupayar parippu payasam

Cherupayar Parippu Payasam | Moong Dal Payasam With Video

Cherupayar Parippu Payasam, also known as Moong Dal Payasam, is a traditional dessert hailing from Kerala, particularly popular during festive occasions like Onam and Vishu.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course payasam
Cuisine Kerala
Servings 4 people


  • 1 Cup Moong Dal / Cherupayar Parippu
  • 1/2 Cup Sabudana Sago
  • 2 1/2 Tbsp Ghee
  • 5 Cups Thin Coconut Milk
  • 1 1/2 Cup Thick Coconut Milk
  • 500 g Jaggery
  • 1/4 tsp Cardamom(Elakka) Crushed
  • 10 Nos. Cashew nuts
  • 15 Nos Raisins
  • Coconut Pieces Few
  • 3 Cups Water For Cooking Dal
  • A pinch Salt


To Pressure Cook:

  • Wash and clean 1 cup Cherupayar Parippu in water
    Clean Cherupayar Parippu
  • Heat a pan and roast it until color changes to light brown
    Roast Cherupayar Parippu
  • Pressure cook 1 cup Cherupayar Parippu/Moong Dal with 3 cups of water for 3 whistles.
  • Mix the dal nicely
    payasam 2
  • Take 500g jaggery in a pan and add 1 Cup water.
  • After jaggery has fully melted, filter it.
  • Take 1/2 cup sago in a vessel. Soak in water for 10 minutes.
  • Transfer to a pan and cook it.
    payasam 6
  • Once cooked, switch off and drain. Add 1 cup thin coconut milk. Keep this aside.
    payasam 7
  • Next, heat an Uruli(Thick Pan) and add the strained melted jaggery.
    payasam 8
  • Add pressure cooked cherupayar parippu.
    payasam 9
  • Mix it and boil it.
    payasam 10
  • Add 4 Cups thin coconut milk and keep boiling.
    payasam 11
  • Add cooked sago along with the coconut milk. Mix well and boil. Add pinch of salt. Keep in low flame.
    payasam 12
  • Meanwhile, heat ghee in a pan and fry handful of coconut pieces. Once golden brown, remove the coconut pieces.
    payasam 13
  • In the same ghee, fry cashews and stir in medium flame. Simultaneously, add raisins too and keep frying. Once raisins are puffed up, remove both from ghee.
    payasam 15
  • Add ghee into the boiling payasam. Mix it well.
    payasam 16
  • Add 1 1/2 Cup Thick Coconut Milk and mix well.
    payasam 17
  • Add crushed cardamom, fried coconut, cashews and raisins. Mix well and switch off after 5 minutes.
    payasam 18
  • Enjoy Cherupayar Parippu Payasam.
    payasam 19



You can visit this link Paal Payasam. You can also visit this link Semiya Payasam.
Keyword Cherupayar Parippu Payasam, Moong Dal Payasam
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Response (1)
  1. M
    Manju Philip September 3, 2024

    5 stars
    Yummy……excellent dish. Thanks for your efforts.

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