Chickpea Cauliflower curry / kabhuli channa gobi masala is indian curry which accompany to all breakfast items like chappathi, roti Idly, dosa and we can take for meal with rice. chickpea and cauliflower is good in fiber and protein. chickpea is also called as channa . In this chickpea i used black chickpea which called as in various name karuppu sundal and kadalai and khabul channa. cauliflower also we called as gobi in hindi. thic chickpea and cauliflower curry is done by all spices and coconut paste with flavors of onion and tomato and gingergarlic paste. i usually do this pulka its go very well.
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Hello, I am RenukaDevi Kumanan. I am a home cook, baker, culinary innovative recipes, and You tuber. is my first platform for me to bring this level. Cooking is my passion and my life art. Whenever I am depressed I immediately rush to the kitchen to cook. Cooking is my stress buster. I collect lot of recipes whenever I see new recipes. I like to travel to lot of restaurants to taste different types of food.
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