Homemade Veg Salad makes the best way with fresh colorful veggies and basic essentials. This is a great and most trending dish of the day. Now we hear many falling for Diet Recipes and this is the best entry for keeping your body fit and healthy. Homemade Veg Salad is unique and special. Unlike other raw salads, here you will discover a delicious addition of yogurt, pepper and lime juice that makes the salad more enjoyable. That changes the texture of the salad. You can have enjoy the salad which has a peppery tangy flavor. You can add more veggies and make it more healthy and nourishing but I have limited the number to four. A salad is the easiest way to increase intake of veggies. A salad can be prepared in different ways – with fresh raw veggies, with grilled vegetables, with sprouted veggies and even with steamed or boiled veggies. In its simplest form, a salad is basically chopped raw vegetables tossed with basic herbs and spices.
The Homemade Veg Salad illustrated here is different having more ingredients in the form of salad dressing. Yogurt, lemon and pepper is added to make the dish more complete and appealing. My little son who hates vegetables, fondly relishes Homemade Veg Salad. That was a great relief for me. I prepare Diet Recipes like this almost every week. I strongly believe in living healthy and thinking good. Better to stay away from all junk foods available that will eventually steal your life. I picked this habit from my mom who always serves salad with chapati. Without a salad the meal looks incomplete for me now. You can explore a well illustrated Homemade Veg Salad recipe here that can be easily prepared at home. Enjoy the nutritious dish.