Mango Pulp is the base for preparation of a variety of jams, drinks and marmalades. This is the easiest way of making use of soft and ripe mangoes before they go bad. You can pick up your favorite variety of mango for preparing the puree. You can avoid wastage of mangoes. Collect together ripe fruits from your garden when the mangoes are ripe and juicy. You can easily prepare the puree by using this simple method. Store Mango Pulp for weeks together. You can prepare your favorite Mango Shake or Mango Juice adding other necessary ingredients. Impress your friend with this preparation. You can also prepare pulp from selected varieties of mangoes like Alphonso, Totapuri, Kesar etc. Mango Pulp is actually a concentration of the fruit. Ensure the natural and actual aroma and flavor of mango in the final product.
Mangoes grow in plenty during summer season and you can observe almost all houses having a mango tree in their backyard. Mangoes keep you well hydrated and healthy. This year we had lots of mangoes and i tried out this recipe for a change. Store the Mango Pulp in clean and dry containers. I have kept it well refrigerated for subsequent use. I have added no junk ingredients and you can be well assured that your family is relishing something great that is good for their health. Mangoes are rich in Vitamin C for formation of blood vessels and healthy collagen. Mangoes are also rich in beta carotene. Kids love mangoes and you can see them enjoying every little sip. You can explore a well detailed Mango Pulp recipe here that can be easily prepared at home.
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